Prayer Art

Monday, May 1, 2017


I paint and pray and listen


Paintings - tribute to Donna Williams

Yesterday I was painting a lot, praying and thinking as I heard about the death of someone whom I never met in person, but was inspired by her videos and books.... Donna Williams. 

Over the past months I followed Donna's Facebook page and her posts about her cancer. 
Here are paintings I painted yesterday as Thank you for Donna's life and her inspration
and my Good Bye to her.


Prayers 30th April - King's Daughter

Yesterday at St Peters, during the time of prayers, listening to God and waiting for direction I began to paint this prayer picture. But I was not able to complete painting during service as I needed to stop and be completely quiet and open myself to God. And words came back to me about King's Daughter journey, about prayer and creativity and about identity of woman of God, King's Daughter... and strong sense of God calling me back and calling me to invite on this journey other women - to explore creativity and worship and prayer.... I am praying and asking for guidance about the next steps on this journey...

Sermon 30 th April 2017

Very inspiring sermon at St Peters Greenhill. Here is my prayer painting that I painted while listening and praying: