Sunday, November 25, 2012

John 1

John 1: The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot put it out.

I painted this picture when invited to paint picture with theme LIGHT  for Spotlight magazine... As magazine arrived to our parish, our vicar Murray suggested to use my painting for the front sheet of songs and prayers for Carol's service and based his sermon and reflection on the bible reading and painting. I was not able to attend Carols service and so I was very encouraged when Murray later emailed me his sermon:

"the picture was painted by Jana, a member of St Paul’s and it is a visual expression of these words:
His life gave light to all people. The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out.
The light – in the form of a Christmas star – is shining into the darkness, dispelling our fears and forebodings.
And this is not just something that happened long ago – it is happening today – as shown by the houses either side of the picture – they put it into today’s context.  It is not just something that happened 2000 years ago, it is happening today.
And as the light shines on us we begin to reflect the light of God’s glory.  You can see the faces shining with reflected light.  This is what happens when people see God at work in our lives.
And if you haven’t yet come to the light you will have probably have seen God at work in the lives of those who have opened themselves to him.  They won’t be perfect, we are not, I am not, but we seek to allow God’s light to shine in us and through us as we live.
And all that is required is for us to open up to God – signified by the open hands at the bottom of the picture.  We are to open up to God and his love.  That is the first vital step. 
Not that hard to do, but a life transforming step.
And then we begin to follow the path towards the light.  See the footprints stating in the brown at the bottom and leading off towards the light.  That journey is a journey with God and towards God.  It is a glorious journey, though it will be hard and difficult at times.
But despite the hardships we will know where we are going, there will be purpose and meaning, God’s help all the way and an amazing destination...."

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